Sometimes I miss the days of traveling with a map. Mapping out the route we were going to take and seeing all the historical landmarks we would pass along the way. “If we are making good time, we can stop and see….”
During my childhood, we didn’t take a lot of trips, but when we did, Daddy always drove. When he bought a motorhome, I thought we were in high-cotton then! I could sit at the little table and have a snack, play cards, or lay down on the bed. Best way to travel in my opinion!
My favorite part, though, of road trips was getting to sit up front with my finger on the planned route of the Rand McNally Atlas. Following along, I would count the mile markers and give regular updates of how much further we had to go. Daddy would confirm if I was right based on what he was tracking on the dash.

We were on an adventure and I was
helping get us there. From my seat, I had a view for what felt like miles on end.
I still enjoy road trips but have become quite spoiled to having a GPS. I started out with one that I could plug in my destination, mount it on the dash with a suction-cup, and it would guide me based on my preset parameters: avoid tolls and interstates or take the quickest possible
route. If the device fell off the window, losing its suction-grip, I would panic. I'd pull over at the first chance to get my guide back in sight. Sometimes the GPS would say “Turn left in 500 feet”; but there would be a road closure sign. What now? Keep driving and let the device re-route to find the next possible turn. Now, my car has a built-in GPS system and I have the Google map on my phone. Let’s not forget that the GPS can even tell me where the next gas station is located and what restaurants are close to me. There are even apps that will tell me the weather along my route, if there are traffic accidents ahead, and if there is radar set-up.
Wouldn’t life be so much easier if God would give us turn-by-turn directions like the GPS? He could tell us, “Expect delays ahead due to accident. Do you want to take a different route?” As I pray and seek God’s will for my life, I would even settle for going back to the giant Rand McNally Atlas if God would print a page in the book with the route He has mapped out for me.
How about you? Looking for a new career? Considering going back to school? A God Positioning System could show you all life’s bumps along whichever path you are considering, any closures that may leave you stranded with car repairs, loan debt, or having to move to find a job to go with crisp, new degree. What about dating? Considering marriage? Wouldn’t we all like to know how that will turn out next week, next month, or even next decade?
One thing God does similar to the GPS is tell me to stay on course or to turn. He doesn’t always give a heads-up to the turn as I am nearing it. Sometimes it is right in the moment. Sometimes He makes me uncomfortable so as to get my attention. Miss the turn or turn too soon? Turn the wrong direction at the stop sign? He will take me on a detour to get me back on track. My husband and I once tried to sell our house before was God's timing and it sat on the market. Only months later, my husband answered the call to return to active duty and, BAM! We had a buyer within the first two days of posting an ad in the local paper!
In Exodus, God led the Israelites out of Egypt towards the land He had promised would be theirs and all their descendants. In chapter 13, God takes them on a detour. If they had taken a short-cut, God knew there would be trouble for them. He didn't send Moses, Aaron, and the Israelites on their own at any point along the way. They may not have known where they were or where they were going, but the Lord was a constant guide, step-by-step.
The Lord went ahead of them. He guided them during the day with a pillar of cloud, and He provided light at night with a pillar of fire. This allowed them to travel by day or by night. And the Lord did not remove the pillar of cloud or pillar of fire from its place in front of the people.
Exodus 13:21-22, New Living Translation
If you know the story of the Israelites, you know they ended up wandering around in the desert for 40 years. This was not because their Guide left! They grew ungrateful and impatient. God provided manna and quail from Heaven (ch. 16) and water from a rock (ch. 17). With miracles right in front of them, their eyes were blinded by their own desires. So quickly they forgot the bondage they left and just wanted to get to the land of milk and honey, get to living the good life, without worshipping the God who rescued them.
It's time to toss out your baggage that you are carrying and get busy praising. Praise god right where you are. While you wait on the Holy Spirit to guide you, giving you the next turn in your journey, praise Him for all the times He has provided. Has he brought you through wilderness moments? Praise Him. Has He given you nourishment when you didn't know where your next meal was coming from? Praise Him. Has He given safe shelter when you had none? Praise Him.
This is my command - be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9, NLT
I am so proud your my Daughter! Gene and I always knew you would follow God. 😍