I have heard this song so many times. Liked the rhythm but didn't quit grab onto the lyrics until recently. I have come to not only realize but fully accept that my plans for my life, my career, were never His plans. Oh, God answered my prayers and I managed through paper after test after yet another paper until my degree was completed. However, now that I see with my eyes, heart, and soul that God's plan is yet to be fully revealed, and my piece of the puzzle doesn't fit the image He has in mind, it's okay. Yes, I have spent some money, and still am through student loans to payoff (consequences of my own actions), in order to chase my dream, I can let go. I can step off the ledge of my desires and fall into His plans. If I were to insert an emoticon right here, it would be labeled "Feeling Free".
I'm Letting Go
Francesca Battistelli
"Giving in to your gravity
Knowing You are holding me"